In December, the countdown irrevocably begins. There's nothing you can do about it - it's the same every year! You start to count the days left on your fingers and watch carefully as the 1st of January draws ever closer. For weeks - or maybe months - you've been making a mental list of the changes and good habits you want to incorporate into your life. After all, why start in autumn when you can do it in January? And without realising it, December becomes the month of celebration but also of procrastination. Whereas January - oh, January! - becomes the month of unlimited dreaming. Time to hit the reset button and start again with New Year's resolutions as your banner. |
Why do so many resolutions fall by the wayside?Stop smoking, take up sport, travel, eat better... These are the wishes that appear at the top of the wishlists year after year. The eternal headliners that often remain unfulfilled. The reasons? The greed to have it all, the choice of unrealistic goals or a lack of planning. If trends such as Copencor - in fashion - or Smart Beauty - in beauty - have shown you that less is more again, perhaps the same will be true for 2024. Two coaches who are experts in growth and the realisation of dreams hold the keys to making these resolutions a reality. |
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Your resolutions must be for youFirst, take a deep breath and think about yourself, what you need, and why (or for what). "Always make sure to set goals for yourself because you only have one life," suggests Mariëtte Virginia Everitz, Mindset & Growth Coach. The best advice this expert in empowerment, confidence, and self-love can give is to remember that you are unique and that you matter. Or, in other words, you first. Honesty, first and foremost. Be realisticIf you are no longer a novice in this new year, you will realise that perhaps the problem starts with lying to yourself. It's good to want to grow and seek the best version of yourself, but honesty is also essential. First of all, ask yourself why you want to achieve the goal in question: is it for yourself or for others? Is it realistic? Does it fit in with your current lifestyle? |
The power of visualisation“What works best for me is to write down my wishes on paper, because I feel like I'm signing a contract with myself," explains 37-year-old Patricia. Everitz recommends something similar: "In the last month of the year, I write two or three words on white boards in my living room to set the course for the coming year. For Mayte Ariza, mentor and creator of Dreams Strategy methodology, the key to achieving dreams is to focus that vision and energy, but above all to "work on clarity". One of the exercises she suggests is to "put a headline on your 2024 to create a visual image of it". For the more creative, making a vision board is another visual practice and one of the most popular on Instagram and TikTok. A board of collages, photos or stickers to express your thoughts and goals for the new year. And the next step? "Throughout the year, I stand in front of the boards, say the words out loud, and link them to affirmations to declare that they will be achieved," says the first coach. |
Have a roadmap, but don't get overwhelmed in the processIf you strategise in your work, why not do the same in your life: "Writing down fun and effective ideas on how to achieve your goals" also helps, says Mariëtte. For her part, Ariza says that to achieve a dream, "you need the four legs of a stool: strategy, leadership, positioning and emotional architecture". The author of The 72 Universal Laws for Dreamers argues that "it is very important to have an action plan focused on the outcome of the dream because a dream without action is just an illusion". And like all new habits (and like all good habits), the secret to getting into the habit is to make it a routine. There are many theories about how many days it takes to do this, but the most famous is that of psychologist William James. He claimed that it takes 21 days to create a habit by constantly repeating a behaviour. You have a year to achieve your goals, but the idea is to focus on one step at a time. According to Mayte, "Every day, ask yourself: 'What have I done today for the dream I want to achieve? And, of course, practice that persistence until it becomes second nature. "Discipline is the key to success," Ariza concludes. |
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Starting small can also be a great triumphYour resolutions don't have to be grandiose, nor do they have to be a 180-degree change in your life. You can start with small things, those small victories that will undoubtedly turn into big victories. Especially for your self-esteem and your daily motivation. If you've made a resolution to eat healthier, you can't go from zero to 100 or not give yourself any concessions during the week. It's the same with sport or beauty. If you've never had a facial, you don't need to push yourself with a thousand-step Korean skincare routine. Just as you don't leave the house without sunscreen - summer or winter - or go to bed without removing your make-up, you can add a new self-care step in 2024. |
A little beauty (and health) resolution for 2024, and as with any resolution, consistency is essential to see results. |
Taking better care of yourself, being more mindful, or making time for yourself can be your resolution this year. Whether it's reading a book, booking a massage without regrets, or finding a treatment that's good for you and your health. Remember, it's all about taking it one day at a time. Wherever 2024 takes you! |