It probably happens to you. Too much information overwhelms you, endless to-does, tasks and commitments. The same can happen (even) with the moments that should be for you, from self-care to endless beauty routines to improving the appearance of your skin. Sometimes, however, the simplest gesture is the most effective, from the "tried and tested" to the ones you never knew existed. Top 5 basic essentials to improve the appearance of your skin according to a dermatologistDr Maite Truchuelo, dermatologist of the Spanish Aesthetic and Therapeutic Dermatology Group (GEDET), offers five keys to maintaining healthy skin. |
Sun protection: your daily allyIn recent years, sun exposure and its consequences have become one of the most recurring topics in the world of health and beauty. What was once a habit reserved for the summer, or even just for those days at the beach or pool, has now become a year-round daily necessity. The repercussions of UVA and UVB rays on the skin are obvious, from sunburn and other skin diseases to cutaneous photo-ageing. That's why sun protection has become the last step in any self-respecting skincare routine. And what about the protection factor? A high SPF is recommended, and not just for the face, but also for the lips with a lip balm that also protects. Say goodbye to the myth of cold water - lukewarm water is best for your skin.“Dermatologists always recommend lukewarm water, whether you are taking a shower or washing your face in the morning," says the doctor. Extreme temperatures—whether very hot or very cold - "can cause skin irritation and redness, especially in people with atopic dermatitis." |
The towel you use matters to your skin tooYou may follow all the steps in your skincare routine to the letter, or you may have bought the latest cosmetics, but there are mistakes in your daily routine that affect your skin more than you think. One of them is your towel. It's not just important to have a towel exclusively for your face only, or in other words, not to use your body towel to wash your face. The fabric is also important, and it is best if it is 100% cotton and soft to the touch - especially for more sensitive skin. And how should you dry yourself? You should never rub or drag the towel, just pat your face gently from the bottom to the top, leaving it slightly damp to help absorb the cosmetics you are going to apply next. |
Sleeping well (and how to do it) has more impact on your skin than you might thinkDr Maite Truchuelo makes this clear: "A good night's sleep is essential for our skin”. But why exactly? "During the hours of sleep, regenerative mechanisms are activated that directly affect the regeneration of skin cells," she adds. Not to mention the consequences of sleep deprivation, from the stress it causes the body to other aesthetic consequences such as dark circles, "apart from the constitutional ones that are inherent to the person - if we sleep too little, we get those unwanted dark circles under our eyes". Your sleeping position will also affect the appearance of your skin. Ideally, try to sleep on your back to reduce facial contact with the pillow and possible wrinkles around the cheeks, chin, or neckline. And if you can't, "at least avoid sleeping on the same side all the time," says the expert. Natural fabrics allow the skin to breatheAnd without leaving the bedroom, there are other elements that can make your skin look better or worse. Without going any further: sheets and pillowcases. As the dermatologist says, "Soft fabrics such as silk or cotton are good for our skin because they do not irritate and are more breathable", something to bear in mind in summer when temperatures are high. Your skin is also directly affected by how and when you wash your bedding. Avoid using fabric softener when washing, as "it can cause irritation, especially on sensitive skin," says Truchuelo. She adds that "it is advisable to wash the sheets once a week".
Turning a few simple gestures into a routineOnce you understand the benefits, the next step is to convert these simple gestures into a routine. The best way to do this is to follow the same guidelines as your New Year's resolutions: visualise and be aware of how these new habits can benefit your skin's health, incorporate them into your skincare routine—or your lifestyle in general—and above all, be consistent. Discipline is the key to success. |